Recent Problems with ‘Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders’

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The CQC’s review into the application of Do-Not-Attempt-Resuscitate (DNAR) orders during the Covid-19 pandemic reveals incorrect and ageist use. As a solicitor specialising in supporting older and vulnerable people in North Shields, I know…

Making a Will with us – Coronavirus update

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There has never been a better time to get your affairs in order which could include making or reviewing your will or making a lasting power of attorney. Our Private Client Team, remain contactable for any enquiries which you may have of this…

Legal Aid – a halt to cuts?

In October, The Trade Union Congress produced a detailed report on the provision of Legal Aid for UK citizens. The report confirms a 99% reduction in individuals seeking Legal Help (a form of public funding), for debt cases, (public funding…

Pre-Nuptial Agreements: unromantic and unnecessary or realistic and pragmatic?

Pre-nuptial agreements are arrangements entered into by two individuals in advance of marriage to manage, amongst other things, the way their property will be owned should the marriage breakdown. Marriages are relationships traditionally…

English Wills and Overseas Property

Are you a UK resident with property in another country, or a UK citizen living overseas with property in the UK? The number of UK citizens living overseas is on the rise. In 2015 there were approximately 1.2 million UK-born people living…

Squatting; a criminal offence

Squatting in homes and all other residential buildings is a criminal offence from 1st September 2012.  Under section 144 of The Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 a person commits an offence if:- a) the Person is in a residential…

Inheritance Tax Changes

In the Budget on 23rd March 2011 the Chancellor George Osborne indicated that changes would be made to Inheritance Tax law from April of next year to encourage people to use their Wills to make charitable donations. The announcement was…

Housing advice – how to get free legal help in court

If you are facing repossession or eviction, make sure you attend your court hearing to increase your chances of keeping your home. Free legal representation is available in court on the day. Get free legal advice on the day of your court…